Professor Dr. Salaheddine Bendak
Halic University – Turkey
Prof. Bendak holds BSc and MSc in Industrial Engineering from the Middle East Technical University (Turkey), a Graduate Diploma of Education from Monash University (Australia), a Graduate Certificate in the Global Burden of Injuries from Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and a PhD in Ergonomics from La Trobe University (Australia). He worked in five different countries as an industrial engineer, occupational/transportation safety consultant and university professor. Prof. Bendak is currently working as a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Halic University, Istanbul-Turkey. His research interests include human factors in transportation, decision-making, occupational safety and health and IoT applications in health. He published more than 46 papers in world-renowned journals and 20 conference papers.
The first conference organized by UTAS – Ibri will take place on 10 – 12 December 2023 is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed international conference on computing and data analytics uses in all computing fields including applied mathematics.
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